
Showing posts from July 10, 2007

#56, India is only inhabited by women and eunuchs

Swami Vivekananda wrote from USA to his South Indian associate of Chennai, Alasinga, on 1st July 1895: "... I know that India is only inhabited by women and eunuchs. ...". "...You babies, great results are attained only by great patience, great courage, and great attempts. ..." Swamiji wrote from Paris to Sister Nivedita on 25th August 1900: "... I no longer represent anybody, nor am I responsible to anybody. As to my friends, I had a morbid sense of obligation. I have thought well and find I owe nothing to anybody; if anything, I have given my best energies, unto death almost, and received only hectoring and mischief-making and botheration. I am done with everyone here and in India. ..." BLOGGER'S VIEWS This is after requesting Mrs. Ole Bull to draw her money out of the Math and drawing a Trust Deed for the Belur Math land, and relinquishing the Presidentship of the Math. It is not clear why all the "great patience, great courage and great att