
Showing posts from July 16, 2007

#60, West they have now attained to Kshatriyahood, from which the next step is Brahminhood;

-Sometimes Swami Vivekananda speaks/writes very wisely. And sometimes, he uses strange logic. When he express his modern ideas, there is no problem. The strangeness enters when he tries to support his outdated beliefs. Or sometimes, though there are good cogent/logical arguments to support his actions, probably because of lack of time, or his very nature of spontaneity, he uses a weak reason to bolster his actions. Swamiji believed in the traditional Caste system. He did not like the system of a person getting his caste by birth. The contradiction is the two things cannot go together because of divergence between theory and practice. The above comments and the following discussion is based on reminiscences recorded by Shri Priya Nath Sinha, a boyhood friend of Swamiji. In one conversation Shri Sinha questioned the justification of teaching Mantras to the Westerners. A straight reply could have been to say that they cannot be concealed from humanity; they cannot be the privilege