
Showing posts from December 4, 2007


Shri nvineeth said... Well, dont mistake me, I cannot tolerate anyone raising doubts about truthfulness swami vivekananda, and my reply was only in the heat of the moment, BTW, I feel if you take a broadband connection you can incur below 1K per month. If you dont have a computer, you can easily buy a good lenovo laptop with the savings (assuming you are spending 12K per month now) in 4-5 months. December 4, 2007 9:43 AM. REPLY Well friend: If you do not tolerate, you will go gradually drift into the way of the Islamic fanatics who will issue fatwas to behead people. I want to save my head. Even Taslima Nasreen had to save her head by deleting some portions from her book. I hope you will not misunderstand me. You can see what is happening to Taslima Nasreen. It is not the question of tolerating or not tolerating. Will a piece of writing serve the purpose of truth? The real ultimate test is truth . When somebody says something or writes something, readers/listeners have to te