
Showing posts from June 21, 2024

285 Replies to comments of Shri Shatabda Basu, at ybrao-a-dokey's post No. 003 at this blog.

Replies to the comments of Shri Shatabda Basu. I quote the comments: Blogger Shatabda Basu said... At such an advanced age the people can bo so ignorant ,i wonder how some one could see vivekananda is such low light ,the complete works ,letters , reminiscences and all the authoritative text on swami vivekananda , further work done by Modern scholar , the colossal work of sanskari Prasad basu and others I wonder how much intellectually and spiritually malnourished one can be even in so advanced age . It's a tragedy that some people can't bear light. One I heard that power respecs power, strength respects strength Weak can not understand greatness, We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. - plato No hope for who refuses the truth himself June 7, 2024 at 2:44 AM Reply of ybrao-a-donkey: your comment : "At such an advanced age, the people can be ignoran