
285 Replies to comments of Shri Shatabda Basu, at ybrao-a-dokey's post No. 003 at this blog.

Replies to the comments of Shri Shatabda Basu. I quote the comments: Blogger Shatabda Basu said... At such an advanced age the people can bo so ignorant ,i wonder how some one could see vivekananda is such low light ,the complete works ,letters , reminiscences and all the authoritative text on swami vivekananda , further work done by Modern scholar , the colossal work of sanskari Prasad basu and others I wonder how much intellectually and spiritually malnourished one can be even in so advanced age . It's a tragedy that some people can't bear light. One I heard that power respecs power, strength respects strength Weak can not understand greatness, We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. - plato No hope for who refuses the truth himself June 7, 2024 at 2:44 AM Reply of ybrao-a-donkey: your comment : "At such an advanced age, the people can be ignoran

284 Part 1 of 10 articles series, ybrao-a-donkey's musings on Vegetarianism, 1000 years bondage of India, and above all Covid 19.

Part 1 of total 10 series, of Musings on Covid 19 Pandemic, viewed from the angle of Ancient Indian Philosophical and Sanskrit Literature. What I am writing here is not final. These are only musings, in the context of about 150,000 deaths as at 20th April 2020, which have taken place, mostly in Europe and USA, as a result of the widespread pandemic Covid-19. We shall start with our Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. By his reputation our Honorable Prime Minister is a vegetarian . His role-model swami Vivekananda was not only a non-vegetarian but also a staunch supporter of Meat-eating. Our Honorable Prime Minister's Guru's Guru Ramakrishna Parama Hamsa was a vegetarian , but if he was given meat offered to the Goddess, he used to hold it up to his head. Here is a quote from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 4, page 486. '...About vegetarian diet I have to say this - first, my Master was a vegetarian; but if he was given meat offered to the

283 Replies to Comments dated 2nd Sept. 2019 of "Unknown" person

Here are replies to comments dated 2nd Sept. 2019 of Shri Unknown, at my post No. 239. Unknown said… Dear Friend, Vivekananda was a lion among sheeps. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose gave all credit of Indian Freedom Struggle to the teachings of Vivekananda. Indian Monks and Gods were not like non-voilent Buddhists. He practiced openly Non-vegetarianism, smoking etc without any hiding. You perhaps don't know that even today these things are offered to him during his Tithi Puja. He earned money with great hard work of lecturing in USA and UK. There used to be ticket to listen him. Imagine when your great grandfather were licking the boots of britishers, Vivekananda was criticizing them in the land of their originele UK and USA. September 2, 2019 at 7:56 AM REPLY 1. Sorry for delay. About "lion among sheeps" This lion was so timid that he had to sacrifice sheep to Goddess Durga Pooja. Does Goddess Mother Durga ask her human sons to sacrifice Goats? Goats and Sheep are

282 Replies to Comments of Shri Deepak

Deepak said… "...I am Marathi Brahmin and my whole inheritance and property worth more than INR 3 Crores was donated away to ramakrishna mission and vivekananda society buggers,so who do I sue ? Doubt me ? Look for Iruvanti Niranjan Sridhar Rao or 162 jalvayu towers, 209 jalvayu vihar, so fucking hindu cult do you have the decency or I have to get warrior like ? my pancard axypr8484l and my biological father's is 12798-T (Indian Air Force service number), it is time to finish off you degenerate chors of property and inheritances of the Brahmin, time to go Godse version 2 appropriate unto Kaliyugam. " ...June 13, 2019 at 2:34 AM Reply Sorry for replying late. I am unable to fully understand your problem, because there are more abuses. Kindly, write your problem clearly, without using unparliamentary words. It seems you have been hurt by somebody. If you you abusive words against them, Readers may get sympathy towards those who hurt you. As a (retired) Bank of

281 (Part 1 of ) Reply to the comment of Shri Aseem Mishra, about bhang (a narcotic substance) , Vivekananda

Shri Aseem Mishra commented on 22.9.2013 at this blog Post No.239 dt. 23.9.2012. Aseem Mishra said… Please go and read and most importantly understand if you are not funded to do this...vyadh gita...which tells you as in all of vedanta and vedas that it is the inner motive or mental schemata(which you cant know of him or others)that brings spiritual growth and realisation and not external works...even vivekananda has explianed these things...and we have such ideals that Lord shiv remained absorbed in samadhi even when he was offered a prasad of bhaang(intoxicating substance) ashes from graves(highly ominous substance) and he could transform everything into powerful highlight is that negative is not suprem power in the universe but real knowledge...why are you guys obsessed in character assassination of any one who is not christian!! September 22, 2013 at 10:22 PM Link to my blog post No. 239, for benefit of those readers who are interested to see that particular post, a

280 A comparison by Shri Girish Shahane, of Photo consciousness of Gandhiji, Ambedkar, and Swami Vivekananda, in the matter of photo-consciousness

Here is a link to a beautiful analysis dated 11th Sept. 2017, by Shri Girish Shahane, at . The occasion, was a speech delivered by Hon. Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, while commemorating the 125th Anniversary of Speech delivered by Swami Vivekananda, at the Parliament of Religions, Chicago, 1893. Shri Shahane's Analysis is substantially lengthy, quite absorbing, and worth reading. Though I may not be able to agree with everything Shri Shahane wrote, at this point of time, I am not equipped to write my views covering all the points raised by him. However, many of them, are worth agreeing with. Right now, I shall cover one or two the most interesting items. My doubts about the genuineness of the Speech given by Swami Vivekananda at the World Parliament. Reasons: In my personal view, the hidden object of World Parliament of Relig

279 Mr. Donald Trump seems to have studied in the College of Swami Vivekananda

Mr. Donald Trump is the President of United States. Swami Vivekananda was an Indian Monk who extensively toured United States from 1893 to 1902 (with a gap), starting with the purpose of attending the World Congress of Religions 1893, Chicago. During the period, he had given lectures in American Cities such as Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, New York on Religion. He had also established in U.S., monasteries of his cult. He passed away on 4th July 1902, 4th July being the Day of American Independence. Many of his disciples and Indians believe that Vivekananda chose his date of mahA NirvANa as the 4th July-American Independence, to commemorate the inseparable link his life had with the Americas. Ques: How can you say that Mr. Donald Trump, the Eccentric American President studied in the College of Swami Vivekananda? Ans: See this news link: Click here, to go to, if you wish to see the fu