029, The money which I got by lecturing, I SPENT JUST AS I LIKE!

Swami Vivekananda wrote to Mrs. Ole Bull, from Wimbledon, on Aug. 6, 1899:

"... The money which I got in Europe and America by lecturing alone, I spent just as I like; but every cent I got for the work has been accounted for and is in the Math ..."

Vide his letter dated 7th March 1900 to Mrs. Ole Bull, he washed off his hands with the financial affairs of the Math by getting accounts from Brahmananda for Rs. 35,000 and conceding that he (Vivekananda) used Rs. 5,000 from the Math funds intended for construction of cottage on Ganga.

Vide Ibid:

"...As for the Math and the money, the sooner I am relieved of that burden the better... I have given my place solemnly to you in Shri Ramakrishna's work. I am out of it ... "

ybrao's personal view, not intended to be imposed on others:- Once accounts are asked for, Swamiji seems to have lost interest in the work of the Math (Monastery).

To continue with more details and information. सशेष. ఇంకా ఉంది.


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