Vivekananda wrote to Divanji Saheb of Junagadh from Bombay, on 22nd Aug. 1892. (Shri Haridas Viharidas Desai).

"... Poor fellows! Whatever the rascally and wily priests teach them — all sorts of mummery and tomfoolery as the very gist of the Vedas and Hinduism (mind you, neither these rascals of priests nor their forefathers have so much as seen a volume of the Vedas for the last 400 generations) — they follow and degrade themselves. Lord help them from the Raakshasas in the shape of the Brahmins of the Kaliyuga..."

*Swamiji considered himself to be a great scholar of Vedas, whereas he just started studying the Sanskrit literature.

*Priests may have their own shortcomings. Some of them may be cheats and ignoramuses. Yet, it is they who carried forward the Sanskrit literature from generation to generation only through oral recitation by sheer memory retention, as there was no paper or printing. Palm leaves became a medium of recording the literature gradually, while the oral tradition continued. My idea is not to defend the priests or the Brahmins. But can a new monk who has started learning Sanskrit a few years back, be so harsh in commenting about the knowledge of others, through generalisations, using abusive language?


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