001 , Do people catch diabetes by wearing a loin cloth?

Most Indians, like the Western Citizens, suffer from numerous idiosyncrasies, whether they disclose or not, whether they accept or not. Swami Vivekananda, apparently hated wearing kaupIn (loin cloth), which is a common garment for Indian Hindu Monks. It seems, that after Swami Vivekananda came back to India in 1897 after spending his days in U.S.A. and U.K., some elders at Dakshineswar or Belur might have pressurised him to wear kaupin, in the place of underwear. Unfortunately or incidentally, during the period, Vivekananda was diagnosed for diabetes. Swamiji attributed wearing kaupin as one of the reasons for his catching diabetes. He cites his brother disciple Saradananada, as somebody who resisted wearing the kaupin and escaped from diabetes. Swami Vivekananda wrote to Mr. E.T. Sturdy from Ridgely Manor, on Sept. 14, 1899: "...In India the moment I landed they made me shave my head and wear "Kaupin" (loin cloth), with the result that I got diabetes etc. Sar...