
Showing posts from April 21, 2016

275 Next thing, I would do, would be to go back to Bangalore and then to Ootacamund to pass the summer there. My brain boils in heat

Swamiji claimed that Kali was not allowing him to look after his own personal comforts. If this incident had really happened, why should Swamiji crave to go to Ooty? Swamiji wrote to Alasinga from Hyderabad, on Feb. 11, 1893: "...Your friend, the young graduate, came to receive me at the station, so also a Bengali gentleman. At present I am living with the Bengali gentleman; tomorrow I go to live with your young friend for a few days, and then I see the different sights here, and in a few days you may expect me at Madras. For I am very sorry to tell you that I cannot go back at present to Rajputana. It is so very dreadfully hot here already. I do not know how hot it would be at Rajputana, and I cannot bear heat at all. So the next thing, I would do, would be to go back to Bangalore and then to Ootacamund to pass the summer there. My brain boils in heat. ..." "... So all my plans have been dashed to the ground. That is why I wanted to hurry off from Madras earl


Swami Vivekananda while collecting funds in the name of his Guru Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, was very active, but while distributing them to his brother-disciples and those who supported him earlier for his visit to Chicago, he was (in ybrao-a-donkey's personal view), very reluctant and stingy. Shri M.C. Nanjunda Rao, was one such person, who was at the receiving end of free advice of Swami Vivekananda. from England to Shri Nanjuna Rao on July 14, 1896. FREE ADVICE TO SHRI NANJUNDA RAO "... But you must not depend on any foreign help. Nations, like individuals, must help themselves. This is real patriotism. If a nation cannot do that, its time has not yet come. It must wait. ..." HOW VIVEKANANDA PRACTISED HIS ADVICE? Swamiji wrote to Ms. Ole Bull from San Francisco, on March 7, 1900:- "...The thousand dollars I have in New York will bring Rs. 9 a month; then I bought for her a bit of land which will bring about Rs. 6; and her old house--that will bring,