Swami Vivekananda and Mr. Narendra Modi has some similarities. One such similarity, is belief in "Big Folks". Swamiji liked globe-trotting. Mr. Narendra Modi too likes globe-trotting. Vivekananda tried to maintain, and succeeded in maintaining high profile. How can Mr. Narendra Modi lag behind? Mr. Narendra Modi making daily flights for electioneering in 2014 General Elections, using the aircraft of Adani Industrial Empire, is not a secret. Without the involvement of Big Folks nothing moves in India. Swami Vivekananda wrote to Alasinga Perumal from US on the Aug. 31, 1894: " ... Or if you think proper, you get some of the big folks to be named as office-bearers of the Society, while you work in the real sense. Their name will be a great thing." BLOGGER'S VIEWS *Poor Alasinga! Go and get some big folks. *Poor Alasinga will work. Big folks and Vivekananda will get the name! *Now, you can see why Swamiji did not want Akhandananda to see that poor pea...