#51,Do not go about begging from the Hindu beggars!

Swami Vivekananda wrote to Alasinga (chief disciple at Madras), from U.S.A. on May 6, 1895:

"... Do not go about begging from the Hindu beggars. I will do it all myself with my own brain and strong right hand. I do not want the help of any man here or in India. . . . Do not press too much the Ramakrishna Avataara ... "

*Were Hindus beggars?
*Did he do everything with his own bain?
*Did he do everything with his strong right hand?
*Does n't want the help of any man here (US) or in India!
*Wants the help of only American women?
*He pretended to beg American women for his lofty goals. But he begged for his personal maintenance.
*Ready even to ignore his Guru 'Ramakrishna"
*Vivekananda's ire against Hindus was that donations were not pouring as expected by him, initially. Today, the same Hindu beggars donate millions to build memorials for him!


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