Mrs. Henrietta Mueller, contributed substantially to the purchase of land for the Belur Math, Howrah, Kolkata. She visited India for the purpose and stayed with Vivekananda during his intermission between the first and second visits to U.S.A.(1897 -1899).
Later she was disappointed with the Math. and parted ways with Vivekananda. I furnish below a link to a newspaper clipping of "Naugatuck Daily News" dated 15th May 1899. The clipping is at the site of www.Vivekananda.net, which is a virtual gold mine for those interested in Vivekananda.
Ms. Mueller was said to have commented that she was face to face with the unavoidable conclusion that it was utterly rotten from the beginning to end and full of danger to unhappy people who place their faith in it.
This clipping is worth reading at www.vivekananda.net.
ybrao-a-donkey's personal views, not intended to be imposed on others: --
Now it should be the turn of the Newspapers in India, particularly those published from Mumbai, to search their archives of 15th May 1899 and approx. one month earlier and later and place their newspaper clippings on the Net, so that the world can know what exactly Ms. Henrietta Mueller said and what was really rotten.
I do not have anything against anyone.I was just answering my questions.I am sorry if my post have hurt your sentiments.Will take care before writing such posts.
I have never looked up at vivekananda as my role model etc but these quotes come to me as a great surprise and how the common man ignore passages in between conveniently, which you picked and promptly post here. You are indeed a man with a mission...Nice reading your blog and would want to read older postings soon...thank you !
U are much admiree & fond of Swami Vivekanad. Pls tell me of this great warrior.