#187, Black hole of London where I had to work almost day and night

Swami Vivekananda wrote to Mr. E.T. Sturdy, noted Sanskrit Scholar in Nov. 1899, about the room provided by by Miss Muller:

"...The next memory is that of the black hole of London where I had to work almost day and night and cook the meals oft-times for five or six, and most nights with a bite of bread and butter..."

*Calling a room a black hole. Even getting a black hole should be difficult in a Metro City like London.
*Did Swamiji expect luxury hotels?
*While writing this letter, Swamiji was staying at Ridgely Manors, a resort owned by Mr. Leggett, near New York, teaching yoga to inebriated women. See post #.. at this blog.
*Swamiji was making all these accusations because Mr. Sturdy questioned about his habits. Mr. Sturdy was not as accommodative and liberal as Mr. Leggett. Mr. Leggett was not a Sanskrit scholar, but a shipping magnet and tea trader. Sturdy was a Sanskrit scholar well-versed in Hinduism and Buddhism. Hence he expected a high standard of ethical living from Swamiji, but it did not materialise. Hence the conflict.


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