#186, India is full of lazy rogues and curious- they never die of hunger

Swami Vivekananda wrote to Ms. Joe Joe (Josephine Macleod) from Almora on July 10, 1897:

Moreover, they have to see that cheats do not get the food of the deserving. India is full of lazy rogues, and curious, they never die of hunger, they always get something. Ask Brahmananda to write this to everyone in relief-work — they must not be allowed to spend money to no good. We want the greatest possible good work permanent from the least outlay.

When a hungry mouth in a famine ravished village sits in row, can Akhandananda drag him/her away, preventing from eating? The morsel of food or gravy will be a feast to him. Is India really full of lazy rogues? Vivekananda's DIRECTING shows that he did not know the ground realities prevailing in India, because he did not undertake much grassroot work.

*Only ochre-robed monks can afford to be lazy because they get money from Rulers and Seths (In 2007: Real Estate Builders and Industrialists). Nobody else can.
*In India, even an old woman of 70 years age, cuts and brings home grass and firewood bundles to help her sons' families (1897 and 2007). But Swamijis do not take up any work for living, except preaching.
*Old men of 70 years pulling cycle rickshaws or walking the entire city selling peanuts.


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