Plenty of money is required to maintain poor Swami

Mr. E.T. Sturdy (sanskrit scholar in England) was writing to Mrs. Ole Bull (whom Vivekananda called Mother), from London on 16th April 1899.

Context: Swamiji was going to England and United States on his second visit for medical treatment and making some quick bucks.
Sturdy was worried about the money to be mobilised for maintaining Swamiji in England. "Two" in his letter refers to Vivekananda and his assistant Turiyananda. "Old experience" in his letter refers to Swamiji's first stay in England as Sturdy's guest. You can see another blog post of mine here itself where Swamiji blamed sturdy that he did not give cigars.

...My position here is this-I know from old experience that as soon as the Swami arrives here, plenty of money will be needed. There will be two to arrange expenses for.

Turiyananda I have already agreed to send on to U.S.A. when the time comes. He will probably require some outfitting also. The same applies to Swami. He may elect suddenly to go to U.S.A.: he will probably also need new outfit. On top of this Longmans may need money if another edition of Raja Yoga should be needed. Or Swami may write a book here which should be published at once.

I do not know where I could raise any donations amongst Swami's friends amounting to anything substantial and it would be unwise to try. ...

ybrao a donkey's views


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