Replies to comments of Mr. pUjAri Ankur

ps: I made some spelling and grammar mistakes while typing this reply. I shall try to correct them shortly.

Pujari Ankur said...

Completely of the Same opinion of Mr. Surya, who the hell is this Man going on posting Absurd things as if Ppl of the World had asked him a favour by doing this useless work. Hey Surya not just meditation he dont even know that we hindus do believe in Rebirths and is infact the Foundation.
He Talks cheaply about Samadhi to achieve which our Ancient Sages strived like anything and finally passed on the Knowledge through sacred Vedas. This man seems to not even have least respect for these things.
Oh God whats the Situation of this Country today people have dared to speak against these Things and about Gr8 Souls like Swamiji. These will hardly come out of Maya. And without true for God how can these men cross the Ocean of Samsara.

Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam Punarapi Janani Jathare Shayanam.

Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Moooodhamatee !

Your comment: Completely of the Same opinion of Mr. Surya, who the hell is this Man going on posting Absurd things as if Ppl of the World had asked him a favour by doing this useless work.

Reply for this portionI have not earlier seen the comments of Mr. Surya. I shall try to reply them soon.
Reply to who the hell is etc. : Nearly 100% of material in blogs and websites on the internet is UNASKED AND UNSOLICITED, including your own blogs, and Mr. Surya's blogs if he has written any. Expression of one's views without hurting others and their rights is a human right recognised by the world and also by the Indian Constitution.

About "useless work turned out by me" : It is your view.

Your comment: Hey Surya not just meditation he dont even know that we hindus do believe in Rebirths and is infact the Foundation.

Reply: Faiths prevail in Hindus, just as they prevail in other religions. Some of these, do not stand reason. PujAris (Priests/pastors/mullas/rabbis et al) have their role in perpetrating blind faith.

From your blogger profile, I find that you are a student of Chartered Accountancy (Auditing). Chartered Accountants and Auditors are expected to check the veracity of accounts submitted by their clients and certify that the financial statements reflect a true and fair picture of the affairs. As a successful prospective Chartered Accountant, I expect you to have an inquisitive eye and the skill to identify fudging of accounts. You might have already seen from the Enron, Goldman Sache, Sathyam Computer scams which have resulted in swindling of billions of dollars of peoples' money, is only because Chartered Accountants and Auditors did not bother to verify the Accounts submitted by the Corporates and blindly certified the balance sheets. Same analogy will extends to religious beliefs. Simply because forefathers and their preachers believed in something, it does not mean that everybody in the country should go on blindly believing them, particularly without discussion.

Pl. do not misunderstand me, for my writing this.

I am glad and grateful to you for your suspecting the truth of what I have written. You can also do the samething with the glorifiers of over-rated monks like Swami Vivekananda. You have to start from a Zero base. You have to leave your priest-created Hindu bias.

I am as much a lover of Hindu philosophy, as you are. You may be going on announcing it, while I may maintain a low profile. But, our liking our philosophy does not mean that we should go on supporting wrong actions of wrong persons. If majority of the society holds an erroneous view owing to obliterations of historical records, we have to trace them, rather than go on trumpeting the past erroneous impressions of the society.

If you have a right cause, you have to depend on right persons. It is like this: If you are running a large firm of Chartered Accountants, if you are alone unable to awttend all the work yourself, you will appoint some audit assstants, will you appoint a person who is honest, sincere and hardworking or will you appoint somebody who is a preacher of your religion? Right causes must be executed by sincere persons.

The idea of REBIRTH is a falsehood imposed on Hindus by priests and preachers. Even assuming that you are right in believing in rebirths as imposed by priests, I have a delight that you do not know what you were in your past birth. I once had a friend who believed in rebirths. He told me that he was aware of what he was in his past birth. In spite of much pressing (he was close to me), he would not tell me what he was in his past birth. OK, it is his private secret, I respect his right. But he was kind enough to tell me that he got the information of his past birth from a top disciple of one Shri Ekkirala Krishnamacharya, popularly called E.K. My friend offered to check the details of my past birth from that disciple.

I laughed and said "I know my past birth. I was a donkey in my last birth."
He asked "How do you know that you were a donkey in your last birth?"
I said: "For that we need not go to disciples and Gurus. Anybody, who does things which others consider as USELESS are donkeys, if not during this birth, at least in previous births."

He said: "You may be a different animal in your last birth. My philosopher-disciple friend will tell. You must know it."

I said: "What does it matter whether I was a donkey or an elephant or a beggar or a king in my last birth? Did you gain anything, by knowing your last birth?"

He said: "Ha ha! I gained. But, I shall not tell you or others."

Thus the conversation ended.
I wish to add: Hindus (or Indians) lost their freedom and were ruled by invaders for thousands of years, particularly the last 1000 years. Why? The Indians were more worried about their past births, rather than inventing gun powder or machines.

Your commentsHe Talks cheaply about Samadhi to achieve which our Ancient Sages strived like anything and finally passed on the Knowledge through sacred Vedas. This man seems to not even have least respect for these things.

Reply: It is very difficult to reply to this, without hurting you. Yet, I shall try my best. The idea of samAdhi seems to be more a product of imagination of 'some mental state'. A person who is near 100% immersed in his work may not notice what is/was happening around him. A hunter who is chasing a rabbit may not notice the snake which he was going to trod on. But this samadhi is natural and not induced. It will not come when we want and go when we do not want, simply because we sit in a meditative pose, with half-closed eyes. That will give us a good photograph for printing in biographies. The natural samadhi can occur to anybody both Hindus and non-Hindus. It can occur both to humans and animals. It has nothing to do religion.

The natural samadhi (natural concentration) is different from a state of sleepishness we get from eating beef, chicken, pork, shad fish, turtles, ice creams, papads. This state of sleepishness, we can get even we are hungry and much tired. About getting samadhi, Vivekananda's brother disciple 'Swami Sivananda' of Rishikesh fame had covered in his book. I have read it about 40 years back, but forgotten its name. If you are seriously interested in meditation and samadhi, you can procure it from Sivananda Asram, Rishikesh, if they are the successors of the same Swami Sivananda. But even that book, you will have to measure carefully. Everything Shivananda wrote is not conducive to self-realisation through concentration and meditation. The benefits of concentration and meditation were over-emphasized there.

Your CommentOh God whats the Situation of this Country today people have dared to speak against these Things and about Gr8 Souls like Swamiji. These will hardly come out of Maya. And without true for God how can these men cross the Ocean of Samsara.

Reply: Who are Gr8 souls? Do they eat shad fish? Do they spend their time on comparing American turtles and Indian turtles and their colors and their spots. Do they get overheated nerves? Do they call their own country rotten fish? Don't they know that mother and motherland are greater than the heaven itself? (jananI janmabhUmI svargAdapI gariyasi). Do they call their own country men lazy rogues? Do they hate doing a job for their livelihood? It is not out of exasperation, a person calls his own country a jelly fish and rotten corpse. It is more out of a need to win favors from foreign donors and patrons. That "urgent need to gain something" makes a person to ask a native ruler for tiger skins, to gift them to foreign friends. See this quote:

Swami Vivekananda wrote to the Raja of Khetri from Almora, on June 9, 1898:

" ... I want a couple of tiger skins, if I can, to be sent to the Math as presents to two European friends. These seem to be most gratifying presents to Westerners. ... "

Why tiger skins? Swamiji should have presented his own skin to the Westerners.

See this quote:

Swami Vivekananda wrote to Ms. Christina Greenstidel from Boston, on the 22nd March 1896.

"... Herewith *[words excised] to countersign it and put it [words excised]. I am afraid I have made a mistake in writing Miss to your name. In that case you will have to sign also as Miss etc. ..."

*words excised (removed) by the publisher of the letter.

Do Gr8 souls send documents to girls/ladies asking them to countersign? Why did Vivekananda feel that he committed a mistake in writing Miss to Christina's name? Why should Christina sign it as "Miss etc."? Mr. Surya in his comment said that I found a sexual relationship between Ms. Christina and Greenstidel and Swami Vivekanada. I am unable to trace anywhere in my blogs, where I made this finding. Some Indians have an impression that Ms. Christina has a daughter and father relationship with Vivekananda. Where is the evidence for that. About Vivekananda addressing Mrs. Ole Bull as mother, and Ms. Hale as sisters, he was clear about his intended relationship. If Swamiji regarded Ms. Christina Greenstidel as a daughter, he would have mentioned that in the same tradition. Why should a father send a document to the daughter for signing and worry that he has written "Miss" by mistake. Did he know that Ms. Greenstidel was already married to somebody else? Who was her husband? Why a portion of this letter was excised? Was there a pretext of excessive folding and tearing? Father and daughter exchanging documents will normally arise where some properties are purchased or gifted. This is an example of a doubt-rising incident which the Government of India/Courts/CBI/ICHR/ASI should establish the truth.

We need not raise any doubts about the intention or character of Ms. Christina Greenstidel. As a disciple, she might have had great respect for her preceptor. In fact, after death of Vivekananda, she seems to have stayed in India for a few years and continued her teaching work. It is not, therefore correct to say that some villification is taking place.

Your comment:Punarapi Jananam Punarapi Maranam Punarapi Janani Jathare Shayanam. \ Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Moooodhamatee !

Reply: You are quoting just one verse. I have translated the whole set of bhaja govinda stOtram and placed on the net. You can see at my blog post No.003 at click to see at I hope you will like them. You may not know that Vivekananda passed arrogant remarks about Sankaracharya and Ramanujacharya. If Swamiji did not care to respect Adi Sankara and Ramanuja, why should I respect him?

The problem is, you have not read Hindu philosophy thoroughly. Nor, have you read the Complete Works of Vivekananda thoroughly.

If you hate my negative blogs, you can always see my work at, where you can study my translation of niti satakam, sringara satakam and vairagya satakam. You can also see my translations of vemana satakam and sumati satakam. You can also go to my vocabulary and gramaar blogs at,, and objective type multiple choice questions at where I have placed thousands of questions on various subjects. I have also placed 1200 Multiple Choice Questions on Mercantile Law and Another 300 questions on derivatives trading course of NSE. If you like Indian Classical Instrumental Music, you can see the notations and mp3s provided by me at my blog

There is no compulsion for you to read the things which I write, but you do not like. Hence, please do not read my, where I showed proof that Vasishta, and Valmiki consumed beef. Do not read my where I showed proof for Dharmaraja serving pork (varAha mAmsam) to the guests in mayasabha. The guests included Brahmins and Sages. Because something was done in those days, does not mean that we should repeat them today. We are not doing it also. But, we must know what nasty things our sacred books contain which will be contrary to our 20/21 Century beliefs. You have written of the greatness of our Vedas. You can see in my atharvaNa Veda blog, procedures for sending bats into enemy homes, procedure to attract others' women to us, and procedure to prevent our women being attracted by others etc.

Friend: It is not easy to dig out truth. You have to do substantial hard work. Every Hindu, every Indian, has to do it. I have done it for all of you and in return you are abusing me for doing a thing which you are supposed to do and which you are neglecting to do. Henceforth, I may not do what other Indians are expected to do for themselves. If they want to languish in poverty and ignorance for another 1000 years, why should I stop them from languishing?

If you shower all your praise on Swami Viveka
nanda just for visiting U.S., making some speeches, and opening one or two orphanages, after spending some of the money AS HE LIKED (he wrote it to Ms. Ole Bull), you will have nothing left to praise Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad, Rajguru, Sukhdev, Bismil, Asfaqulla Khan and thousands of others who languished in Andaman Cellular Jail. You might have heard about Jatin Das laid down his life, fasting in Andaman Jail. When compared to their supreme sacrifices, the charity work done by Swami Vivekananda was NOTHING.

That charity work was done by his brother-disciples like Saradananda, Gangadhar, Ramakrishnananda, and disciples like Nivedita. Swamiji just pretended to direct and supervise the famine and plague relief work. This pretension, was to convince foreign donors, for sending more donations. The supervision was done from cool places like Kashmir, Mussori, Dehradun and Almyrah.

Friend, do not believe what I write. Check the Complete Works of Vivekananda with an impartial eye, to dig out the truth. AT some places, there is inadequate evidence, but there are doubt-raising situations. The Government of India, Supreme Court and High Courts, CBI, ICHR, Archaeological Survey of India, etc. should take up this digging up work instead of depending on the propaganda literature. As far as I am concerned, I am tired of writing this Vivekananda blog and receiving curses from everybody. I have better work to do. Why should I waste my time in convincing you? It is your duty to search and find, if you are to become a truely enlightened citizen with alertness and awareness.

There is much more to write on this subject. In the meantime, pl. tell me whether you are hurt or not. If you want me to modify my reply, pl. suggest me an alternate reply in your comments.


Anonymous said…
This is nothing. Vivek was freemason. He have no love for Hindi or Hinduism.his goal was money & weakened hindu's moral.why he had so many friends & heavyweights? Because he was member of freemason. They glorify him for their purpose. This guys are satanist & pure evil. Know about freemason, illuminati, & such a other societies you will know what's going on & why? This guys have no moral and no mercy. This guys sold their souls.
Anonymous said…
Don't waste ur time on arguments of Vivekananda's views And Hinduism & morality etc with brainwashed people. This freemason guys have command on politicians, banks, businesses,religious leaders, judges rtc. Because they put their members on such a posts. You can see it in Narendra modi's example. He is puppet of this kind of organizations. They made him god & savior of country in public eye. But reality is opposite to that. This is no coincidence that he is worshipper of Vivekananga.

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