207 Quotes - lives - deeds diverge

Quotes, lives, and deeds rarely converge. Quotes and realities conflict. Vivekananda believed in fatalism. It is not the fate which decides what a person really deserves. Circumstances decide what a person gets, with or without his efforts. Sometimes, in spite of best efforts, we may not get anything sizable. For that also, we can't blame Fate. These imponderables come from Society, the Government, the Business Environment, ... ...
I, for one, thoroughly believe that no power in the universe can withhold from anyone anything they really deserve.
-- a quote of Swami Vivekananda.

*Did Swamiji deserve diabetes?
*Did Swamiji deserve varicose veins?
*Did Swamiji deserve premature death at 39?
*Did Swamiji deserve the fate of 'lying restless on couch' for nearly one year, lamenting that he was unable to eat meat? (Doctors forbade him eating meat).
*Did Swamiji deserve the fate of begging American drunken high society women to mobilise a fund of $100 for his maintenance?

This quote is very high-sounding, but unfortunately it conveys nothing worthwhile. For example, there may be hundreds of leaders in India, who deserved to be the President of India. But Ms. Pratibha Patil became the President of India, not because she deserved it, but because she could curry favor the U.P.A. President, Ms. Sonia Gandhi.

There is always great disparity between what a person deserves and what he gets. The reason for this, is the vagaries of environments of lives of individuals, owing to vicissitudes of the Capitalist Society. Without understanding this, saffron-clad monks called it 'karma' and attributed things to 'Mother', whenever they wanted to totally disown themselves from their roles.

To continue, with more details. सशेष. ఇంకా ఉంది.


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