#258 If 30 vivEkAnandas are produced every year

Today, is the birth anniversary of swAmi vivEkAnanda.

Every newspaper from India, carried one article on their Editorial pages, a eulogical biographies of swAmi vivEkananda, mostly cut-copy-and-paste affairs of last year's stories.

Entire next fortnight, media will be full of rallies and celebration stories of the event, conducted often from Government grants.

Ok,let go.

The trigger for me to write something here, is not the above celebrations, but it is one wish, said to have been expressed by a Senior Police Officer transferred from Hyderabad to Mumbai. He was reported to have said that, after his retirement from his service, he would start a school and present 30 vivEkAnandas every year to the Nation.

ybrao a donkey's personal view: Gujarat Chief Minister and projected propspective Prime Minister of India will probably be happy. He can present on his speech platforms, human vivEkAnandas produced by schools, instead of some flexi-boards of swAmi vivEkAnanda printed by giant flexi-printers.

Welcome, at least, it will give us some audio-visual entertainment. Only apprehension may be Indian turtles, and shad fish may become endangered species, considering vivEkAnandas' penchant and predilection for these two foods. Cigar makers and sellers, coat-makers, turban-makers, fancy-dress hirers will be happier, because they can sell more cigars, coats, turbans, and hire out more fancy dresses.

Some film stars are also fond of acting as swAmi vivEkananda, if somebody films his biography. Late Shri N.T. Rama Rao passed away before fulfilling his cherished desire of acting in a full-fledged vivEkAnanda biographical film. Probably Razani Kant, Salman Khan, Aamir Khan may also be happy to play that role. Now, 30 vivEkAnandas produced per annum, in the new school, will have 30 biographies of their own, and film-land will also be happy.

I shall pray the non-existing God, that he-she shall not motivate the minds of retiring persons, towards studying the Complete Works of SwAmi vivEkAnanda, particularly his Epistles. Lest, they should go back from starting schools and may stop producing 30 vivEkAnandas per annum. My apologies to all who may feel hurt, by this blog post.


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